Monday, September 7, 2015


Matrix Control 101

To be against something means to oppose it. In this scenario there are two opposing forces and the emotion is something like anger or rage depending how upset you are about what it is you are against. This narrowly defined emotional range severely limits our creativity in finding a solution and certainly excludes any love based solution.

Being AGAINST something keeps us trapped in the control matrix. Our planet is rife with opposing forces: conservative / liberal, republican / democrat, Christian / Muslim, capitalist / communist, each set up to keep us divided, angry, against each other, and under control.

In my previous article entitled TAKE BACK THE PLANET I wrote:

We can demonstrate our will to stand strong and stand together NOT AGAINST the Global Elite's corruption, greed, hate, divisiveness, disinformation, secrecy, lies, murder, false flags, and propaganda. But rather FOR a planet of peace, love, joy, and prosperity.”

This is so we can avoid the trap that has been laid before us. The trap of opposition, divisiveness, and anger born out of fear. Instead we can enter into this foray from a position of love, understanding, joy, unshakable peace, and immovable intent.

Some have planned ahead for the coming economic collapse. But what will you really do when it comes time to turn away your starving neighbor because he desperately needs your food to feed his family. Will you shoot him to protect what's yours? Will you invite him in AND feed him and his family? Both choices have their costs.

What we CAN do is choose to let either fear or love be our emotional basis of operation. Choosing fear means scarcity, keeping what's mine, taking what's yours, and staying trapped in the control matrix. Choosing love means cooperation, creative problem solving, unity, and in the end abundance and freedom.

So going out on a limb here I suggest not choosing FEAR and not being AGAINST the Global Elite, but rather I suggest choosing LOVE and being FOR a planet of peace, love, joy, and prosperity.

Here is a video by comedian Bill Hicks that I think expresses this sentiment nicely.


This article was inspired by a video by Tobias Lars.

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